Lone Wolf Terrorists
It is clear from the ongoing attacks around the world that Isis has expanded its reach well beyond its tarnished and beleaguered caliphate in Iraq and Syria. Lone wolf terrorists abound and the demons have been loosed time and again throughout the world. Read more on...

The Chief Diversity Officer
Long before “diversity” became a political lance and a boardroom buzzword, or before there became the need for diversity officers and diversity policies in corporate HR departments, the world had The Chief Diversity Officer. He took the floor of the world some 2000...

Why Don’t Peaceful Muslims Decry Terrorism?
I have heard some Muslims espouse that they, and all “true” Muslims, are peaceful people, who abhor violence and therefore, by inference, the Islamic terrorists who foment it. If this is so, then why, in a religion with more than a billion and a half adherents in over...

Can We All Agree?
Let us for just a few moments remove the seemingly surgically attached rose-colored lenses of political correctness and address a real concern for America. Can we agree there is a problem in the world today called radical Islamic extremism? Can we also agree that...

All The World’s A Stage – Part 1
The Chinese have a great expression: “May you live in interesting times.” We are surely living in interesting times. If you take any interest in Biblical end-times prophecy, as I do, one cannot help but look at what is taking place in the Middle East today, and marvel...